Invade You (キミを侵略せよ!, Kimi wo Shinrayku Seyo!) is a manga series written and illustrated by Kazusa Inaoka.
Inaoka had previously published the manga as a miniseries under the same name in the 3 winter volumes of Jump GIGA 2018, where each issue contained three chapters spread throughout the magazine. These were later included as "extra" chapters in the volume releases.
Hajime Sorajima's got a terrible hairstyle! It's so weird it's downright embarrassing. But his hair's got a's not hair! It's the horns of an alien body! A cute little alien body! One that can transform into a human. Normally, he has no problem living among humans and his secret is safe. That is until he meets a strange girl named Ria Aiba who's convinced he's an alien! Will she blow his cover?
- For Images, go to the Kimi wo Shinrayku Seyo Image Gallery.