Jinrui-Shoku: Blight of Man (人類蝕, Jinruishoku) is a manga series written by Mitsuchiyomaru and illustrated by Yuuki Satou. It has been serialized in Shonen Jump+ since February 28, 2023.
“You just die one day and turn into a mummy!” Mysterious mummified corpses that people have nicknamed “Mummily-sans” keep being found one after another, causing a lot of fuss. One day, a boy named Seita notices that his friend is acting strangely…?! Don’t miss this thrilling suspense story about an invasion by the unknown![1]
- For Images, go to the Jinrui-Shoku: Blight of Man Image Gallery.
- ↑ Jinrui-Shoku: Blight of Man Overview: MANGA Plus