I'm From Japan (ジモトがジャパン Jimoto ga Japan ) is a manga series written and illustrated by Seiji Hayashi. The manga ran for 35 chapters in Shonen Jump (May 27, 2019), when it was announced it was moving to Saikyo Jump. Until the start in Saikyo Jump, the manga had some 4-koma chapters in Shonen Jump.
There's a new tough guy transfer student in Tokyo. His name is Tokio and he's raring to see how scrappy the locals are. But when he comes face-to-face with a Japan-obsessed red-haired kid that won't leave him alone until he tells him exactly what prefecture he's from, his life takes a turn for the crazy! This kid isn't just Japan obsessed, he's developed a martial art based on all the different prefectures in the country!
- For Images, go to the Jimoto ga Japan Image Gallery.