Enigma (エニグマ, Eniguma) is a manga written and illustrated by Kenji Sakaki and serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump. The serialization began on number 41 of 2010 and ended on number 47 of 2011 the 55th chapter and has subsequently been published further concluding chapter on the winter issue of Jump NEXT!, Released in December 2011. It comprises a total of 56 chapters, collected in 7 tankobon.
Haiba Sumio is a student at the Tokyo High School which at first glance seems to be an ordinary guy, actually has a pretty interesting talent: when he falls asleep sometimes begins to write about a mysterious notebook: The "Diary of Dreams". In sleep Sumio notes in the notebook of the predictions. With this ability, Sumio helps people in trouble before the unpleasant things happen or even dangerous. When someone is in danger Haiba writes "Mayday" But one day his peaceful life is completely changed. Is forced to participate in the E-Test, an experiment devised and managed by a being called "Enigma" that looks like a skeleton with the jaw and the skull discovered on the contrary. In addition to his other 6 children are forced to participate in the E-test, all with supernatural abilities. Each of them want something, and his desire will be realized at the end of the experiment, when the test participants meet Enigma, if and only if they manage to get out of their school, become the field-test. Many dangers and pitfalls lurk in the school, as the beings called "Shadows". The competitors will risk their lives to find the password (7 how competitors) that permetteranni them to get out of school. At stake for him is the mother's life.
- For Images, go to the Enigma Image Gallery.