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Demon Prince Poro's Diaries (ポロの留学記 Poro no Ryūgakuki?) is a manga written and illustrated by Hitsuji Gondaira. The series started in Weekly Shounen Jump on February 20, 2017 and it ended on June 19, 2017. The first volume was released on June 16, 2017 and final volume 2 on August 4, 2017.


In the Demon World, it's kill or be killed! But Demon Prince Poro doesn't want to kill! He wants to collect anime figurines and do fun stuff in the human world. There's just one problem, trying to hide his immense strength and unusual looks from his classmates. It's the classic fish-out-of-water story with a hilarious demonic twist! [1]


For Images, go to the Demon Prince Poro's Diaries Image Gallery.

