City Hunter (シティーハンター Shitī Hantā ) is a manga series written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo. It was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump.
The series follows the exploits of Ryo Saeba, a "sweeper" is always found to be chasing beautiful girls but despite his behavior of a "pervert", at the same time he is a private detective who works to rid Tokyo of crime, along with his associate or partner, Hideyuki Makimura. Their "City Hunter" business is an underground jack-of-all-trades operation, contacted by writing the letters "XYZ" on a blackboard at Shinjuku Station. One day, Hideyuki is murdered, and Ryô must take care of his sister, Kaori, a tomboy who becomes his new partner in the process. However, Kaori is very susceptible and jealous, often hitting Ryô with a giant hammer when he does something perverted.The story also follows the romance between Ryo and Kaori in the behind scenes and their teamwork in every mission.
- For Images, go to the City Hunter Image Gallery.